Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051)

Book DescriptionThe only classroom-based training and self-assessment system! This study guide provides 100% complete coverage of all objectives for the Sun Certified Architect for J2EE exam. Based on 300,000+ hours of IT training experience, the book contains hundreds of practice exam questions and hands-on exercises. The CD-ROM features full practice exam software with interactive tutorials and lab simulations, plus an adaptive test engine.
From the Back Cover
The Only Certification Study System Based on 300,000+ Hours of IT Training Experience
* 100% Complete Coverage–All official test objectives for the Enterprise Architect for J2EE exam are covered in detail
* Hands-on Exercises–Step-by-step instruction modeled after classroom labs
* Exam Watch–Warnings based on thorough post-exam research identifying the most troublesome exam topics and how to answer them correctly
* Simulated Exam Questions–Certification questions that closely model the format, tone, topics, and difficulty of the real exam–all with in-depth answers
Full coverage of the topics you need to review, including how to:
* Understand J2EE architecture and system requirements
* Provide access to legacy systems
* Use entity, stateful session, and stateless session beans appropriately
* Make use of bean pooling in an Enterprise JavaBeans container
* Identify firewall features that might interfere with protocol operation
* Use the Gamma et al. and other design patterns
* Enable synchronous and asynchronous messaging
* Customize applications for international deployment
* Apply J2EE security mechanisms to the design, implementation, and deployment of secure enterprise applications
SCJD Exam with J2SE 5, Second Edition (Expert's Voice in Java)

Book Description
You already know how crucial certification is within the Java community. SCJD Exam with J2SE 5, Second Edition is a valuable guide to prepare for the exam.

This book has been updated for the new Java version, J2SE 5.0, and works its way through a project with requirements and structure similar to the project you'll encounter in the exam. Upon reading this book, you'll become intimately familiar with key concepts, challenges, and pitfalls that the exam is likely to test you on.
About the Author

Andrew Monkhouse is a moderator on the JavaRanch website, currently moderating the SCJD and SCJA forums.]
Andrew has passed SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.4, SCJD, SCWCD, SCBCD, and part I of SCEA. He has been working with computers for too long (his first program was written on mark-sense cards, which are similar to punch cards).
Andrew has worked in a number of positions from programmer, to architect and IT manager, working on VMS, Unix, Macintosh, and Microsoft operating systems. He's built back end, middleware, and front end solutions for a variety of industries.Terry Camerlengo has over 5 years of software engineering experience from numerous corporations, including Fortune 500s and a dot-com. He is experienced in all phases of the software life cyle, with a focus on object-oriented technologies such as C++ and Java. His expertise spans from front-end technologies such as ASP, JSP, and servlets, to server-side skills in EJB and COM programming on UNIX and NT. Terry holds both Sun and Microsoft certifications, and graduated with a degree in computer science and philosophy from The Ohio State University.


Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide

Book Description
Here's the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer (SCJP) and Developer (SCJD) exams. This Study Guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's certification candidates. In addition to the consistent and accessible instructional approach that has earned Sybex the reputation as the leading publisher for certification self-study guides, this book provides:
* Declarations, initialization and scoping
* Flow control
* API contents
* Concurrency
* Object-oriented concepts
* Collections and generics
* Language fundamentals
Detailed discussion of the key topics included in the Developer exam, including:
* Swing components and events
* Layout managers
* Enhancing and extending the database
* Writing the network protocol
* Building the database server
* Connecting the client and server

Authoritative instruction on all revised Programmer exam objectives, including:
* Declarations, initialization and scoping
* Flow control
* API contents
* Concurrency
* Object-oriented concepts
* Collections and generics
* Language fundamentals
Detailed discussion of the key topics included in the Developer exam, including:
* Swing components and events
* Layout managers
* Enhancing and extending the database
* Writing the network protocol
* Building the database server
* Connecting the client and server

Fast Track to Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) 5.0 Upgrade Exam

Book Description
If you'd like to learn the new features in Java SE 5.0 and pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer Upgrade Exam (CX-310-056), then this book is for you. It covers all the Java SE 5.0 new features required in the exam. You don't need to read about the existing features that you already know. 117 review questions and mock exam questions are included

About the Author
Ka Iok 'Kent' Tong is the manager of the IT department of the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center. With a Master degree in Computer Science from the New South Wales University, Sydney, Australia and having won the "Macao Programming Competition (Open Category)" in 1992, Mr. Tong has been involved in professional software development, training and project management since 1993. He is the author of Essential Skills for Agile Development, Enjoying Web Development with Tapestry and Developing Web Services with Apache Axis. As of this writing, the latter two are the #5 and #8 all-time best sellers in IT by the Lulu press.

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